Christopher Fremantle on Organizing Grace
For some of us, Freemantle’s most frustrating and incomprehensible assertion was that conscious forces were trying to assist us, and indeed anyone who made efforts. He steadfastly refused to elaborate, and though we could not understand, we could not forget.
Once, as he was walking east on 78th Street, one of his pupils described a serious problem. “People don’t realize that when they work, conscious forces come to their aid.” The pupil heard an undeniable inner agreement and also a great protest. What are conscious forces? How can they possibly help me? Turning toward his pupil, he continued: “conscious forces are trying to help you. You are not alone”.[1]
[1] Lillian Firestone Boal, ‘Introduction’ in Christopher Fremantle, On Attention: talks, essays and letters based on the ideas of G.I. Gurdjieff, ed. by Lillian Firestone Boal (Denville: Indications Press, 1993) pp. v.