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Group Work : Greater Possibilities for an Impact on Life






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(provided that the group forms an organic whole; a Brotherhood perhaps

-as G. suggests in the Web Exercise)







"It is possible to have a common contact through the aim. It is possible with practice. For example, when you are seated together do not spend your time internally like in life. Use this occasion to do an exercise; suggest to yourself that this atmosphere about you, wakes up to the desire to go towards the aim ... everybody here. This atmosphere is warming for an aspiring with all your being towards a common aim. When you find yourselves together, suddenly, automatically it produces this heating. You can have a reciprocal action on a whole city. Paris is big; but if you begin it will become, little by little, possible that, if one movement is produced in a corner of this atmosphere, it will start an unrest which will spread over all.


"You have knowledge of different telepathic acts. It is as if the atmosphere became large; a material is formed like the web of a spider. If, in one of the meshes, a new force enters, this can correspond in the whole network, like in an electric conduit. ... You create a factor of inclination for succeeding in your aim with all your mass. For this it is necessary that two things happen, auto-suggestion and representation by forms, but subjective forms. In the beginning you will understand what is happening; it is not important to picture it to oneself exactly. Imagine that in you there is a network. If one current comes in one point, it shall arrive everywhere, if one sensation of warmth is in one point, all the points shall feel the heat, the cold. Picture how what happens in one place happens everywhere.



Try now to do this exercise of forming a web. the whole brotherhood also did the same thing. You know the proverb: "one for all, all for one." In ordinary life, this is a lie, because it is not realizable. But here is a brotherhood. They all have one common aim. One of them is there; but he must desire that all attain it, and inversely, the others are also obliged to help him. ... There exists two things; matter and force. This exercise is to urge, to excite, to animate.

..from the Transcripts of Meetings 1941-46, pp. 135-138.




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